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MainSelection: 2020

MainSelection: 2020
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo

2020 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $101-$300 - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 icecoldriva WPN 757.0
2 Mindlovers WPN 605.0
3 TrumpedYou WPN 513.0
4 BabyBowser WPN 432.0
5 beanman4 WPN 409.0
6 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 383.0
7 JennaTools WPN 346.0
7 metalfacedoom WPN 346.0
9 2hotforu WPN 333.0
10 SatoshiNakomoto WPN 139.0
11 Opted-Out WPN 78.0
12 ptero22 WPN 76.0
12 tdubz224 WPN 76.0
12 Jacky221 WPN 76.0
15 TerryMcCann WPN 63.0
16 bbruins13 WPN 21.0

2020 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $101-$300 - Conta
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Conta
1 bbruins13 WPN 51.0
2 ElGradiente WPN 21.0
2 BabyBowser WPN 21.0
4 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 18.0
4 Fuck3dZone WPN 18.0
6 icecoldriva WPN 17.0
7 Mindlovers WPN 15.0
8 Opted-Out WPN 14.0
9 DuudeLovee69 WPN 11.0
10 WilliamHBonney WPN 6.0
10 ButtCakes WPN 6.0
12 Taste of Poison WPN 4.0
13 beanman4 WPN 3.0
13 SatoshiNakomoto WPN 3.0
15 2hotforu WPN 2.0
15 TerryMcCann WPN 2.0
15 the fresh WPN 2.0
15 captainAA WPN 2.0
15 TrumpedYou WPN 2.0
15 Waffa WPN 2.0
15 Opted-Out WPN 2.0
15 TrippinBallz WPN 2.0