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MainSelection: 2018

MainSelection: 2018
CategorySelection: Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players

2018 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 98.0
2 Faser4Life PokerStars 34.0
3 Zapahzamazki PokerStars 29.0
4 Atai PokerStars 24.0
5 Excelencja PokerStars 22.0
6 BastiKiefer PokerStars 16.0
6 win500 PokerStars 16.0
8 mustbem PokerStars 15.0
9 XeX) PokerStars 13.0
10 The TJS PokerStars 12.0
11 pippetto86 10.0
11 609_sixonine PokerStars 10.0
13 aussikrtecek PokerStars 9.0
13 Wantux PokerStars 9.0
15 Makewu 8.0
16 IGNORANCIA PokerStars 7.0
16 Dr Ganesha PokerStars 7.0
18 H2N2 PokerStars 6.0
18 Sky.ReVo PokerStars 6.0
18 robsonml PokerStars 6.0

2018 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - Any Stakes - Conta
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Conta
1 Phobos_Pad PokerStars 73.0
2 The TJS PokerStars 55.0
3 Atai PokerStars 46.0
4 Opted-Out PokerStars 37.0
5 KlgAborigen PokerStars 36.0
6 JaniOsmo PokerStars 29.0
7 609_sixonine PokerStars 25.0
8 Faser4Life PokerStars 24.0
9 Flakon2010 PokerStars 23.0
10 D33p Purpl3 PokerStars 22.0
11 plutarsch PokerStars 14.0
11 Opted-Out PokerStars 14.0
13 pippetto86 13.0
14 Toreadorgr PokerStars 12.0
14 Excelencja PokerStars 12.0
16 aussikrtecek PokerStars 11.0
16 Uncle-Vadik PokerStars 11.0
18 Wantux PokerStars 10.0
19 daviguloff 9.0
19 Makewu 9.0
19 Panda0777 PokerStars 9.0