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MainSelection: 2017

MainSelection: 2017
CategorySelection: Omaha HiLo 5 to 10 Players

2017 - Omaha HiLo 5 to 10 Players - $301-$1000 - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 bokkie87 PokerStars 2781.0
2 bishbcray PokerStars 1715.0
3 bedias PokerStars 1078.0
4 chickensssss PokerStars 690.0

2017 - Omaha HiLo 5 to 10 Players - $301-$1000 - Conta
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Conta
1 bokkie87 PokerStars 34.0
2 Juicy_J_93 PokerStars 32.0
3 bedias PokerStars 29.0
4 Adamyid PokerStars 9.0
5 neto gol PokerStars 8.0
6 bishbcray PokerStars 5.0
7 shamthedon PokerStars 3.0
8 chilenocl PokerStars 1.0
8 chickensssss PokerStars 1.0