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MainSelection: 2016

MainSelection: 2016
CategorySelection: Any Games 4 to 6 Table

2016 - Any Games 4 to 6 Table - $101-$300 - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 Fred_Brink PokerStars 5544.0
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 4670.0
3 ziototo94 PokerStars 4505.0
4 1BigAceHole PokerStars 4175.0
5 Opted-Out PokerStars 2855.0
6 Trafford95 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 822.0
7 Chlagito PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 245.0
7 troncon87 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 245.0

2016 - Any Games 4 to 6 Table - $101-$300 - Conta
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Conta
1 newguy89 PokerStars 39.0
2 CesarMorales PokerStars 34.0
3 Fred_Brink PokerStars 30.0
4 Opted-Out PokerStars 18.0
5 I Play Cash PokerStars 15.0
6 Shankar825 PokerStars 14.0
6 sksjohny PokerStars 14.0
6 Opted-Out PokerStars 14.0
9 busto_soon PokerStars 12.0
9 Vocaaas PokerStars 12.0
9 Opted-Out PokerStars 12.0
9 olelemaiko PokerStars 12.0
13 ThinkDiffere PokerStars 10.0
14 Reraiseallin PokerStars 7.0
14 Opted-Out PokerStars 7.0
16 Kurtkaare PokerStars 6.0
16 Tîmex PokerStars 6.0
16 Opted-Out PokerStars 6.0
19 1BigAceHole PokerStars 5.0
19 otitov PokerStars 5.0