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MainSelection: 2010

MainSelection: 2010
CategorySelection: Any Game 2 to 3 Table

2010 - Any Game 2 to 3 Table - $2 and under - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 jkfocus PokerStars 4186.0
2 Unbrkbl PokerStars 4109.0
3 Just1Answer FullTilt (Closed) 2161.0
4 Craneo WarZ PokerStars 2088.0
5 Bluffomat PokerStars 2068.0
6 Ultras FCSM FullTilt (Closed) 1917.0
7 xaltepico PokerStars 1835.0
8 notmeitsu FullTilt (Closed) 1748.0
9 mazzakane FullTilt (Closed) 1490.0
10 Matrakataca FullTilt (Closed) 1204.0
11 mattmatic PokerStars 1131.0
12 viking87 MicroGame 991.0
13 Nutsmoment FullTilt (Closed) 978.0
14 projctfive IGT 964.0
15 Nostradumbass25 FullTilt (Closed) 950.0
16 AskMeBetter PokerStars 926.0
17 nzmanurewa FullTilt (Closed) 897.0
18 xartist PokerStars 846.0
19 ChiCubbies07 FullTilt (Closed) 832.0
20 2jpimpin FullTilt (Closed) 809.0