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MainSelection: 2009

MainSelection: 2009
CategorySelection: Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players

2009 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - $2.01-$5 - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 432.0
2 kjbcorona FullTilt (Closed) 384.0
3 twiceontuesday FullTilt (Closed) 304.0
4 uncforte PokerStars 272.0
5 Kendren FullTilt (Closed) 263.0
6 DW22MLL FullTilt (Closed) 218.0
7 BDH467-783 PokerStars 184.0
8 wittuz76 PokerStars 183.0
9 GualtAtaris 180.0
10 x_mnholdem_x PokerStars 177.0
11 rev_rimdog FullTilt (Closed) 176.0
12 fekev PokerStars 160.0
13 thaifyta2gzz FullTilt (Closed) 156.0
14 jcdgoad PokerStars 155.0
15 DuckHuntChmp PokerStars 152.0
16 alpha8886 PokerStars 150.0
17 goNpro PokerStars 133.0
18 kong phoyey PokerStars 125.0
19 FLIP DOUBT FullTilt (Closed) 119.0
20 pokergods123 PokerStars 118.0