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MainSelection: 2009

MainSelection: 2009
CategorySelection: Any Games 4 to 6 Table

2009 - Any Games 4 to 6 Table - Any Stakes - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 PimpinDonks FullTilt (Closed) 102576.0
2 PureProfitFour FullTilt (Closed) 55993.0
3 Traveller99 PokerStars 47474.0
4 kauch12 FullTilt (Closed) 45751.0
5 Dr Fill Good FullTilt (Closed) 42371.0
6 SteveTheWebGuy FullTilt (Closed) 42057.0
7 ava lou120808 FullTilt (Closed) 39715.0
8 Rounder63 FullTilt (Closed) 38506.0
9 Opted-Out PokerStars 38438.0
10 PeachesForMe PokerStars 38200.0
11 bigjoe2003 PokerStars 37845.0
12 bethwolf22 FullTilt (Closed) 37693.0
13 LAPPIN FullTilt (Closed) 37463.0
14 nineallday00 PokerStars 37108.0
15 throwinphins FullTilt (Closed) 36531.0
16 Thanks4CominOut FullTilt (Closed) 36241.0
17 The_Venetian PokerStars 35099.0
18 KVD79 FullTilt (Closed) 34968.0
19 WeirdThing FullTilt (Closed) 34966.0
20 AceJackSooted FullTilt (Closed) 33886.0