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MainSelection: 2008

MainSelection: 2008
CategorySelection: Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players

2008 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - $2.50-$5 - Guadagno
Classifica Giocatore Paese Rete Guadagno
1 The Palimax FullTilt (Closed) 697.0
2 mjafer03 FullTilt (Closed) 540.0
3 Thane78373 FullTilt (Closed) 495.0
4 Sick Lebowski FullTilt (Closed) 433.0
5 incogneato43 FullTilt (Closed) 364.0
6 tkddad99 PokerStars 280.0
7 Aces88ss FullTilt (Closed) 277.0
8 Fondil_III FullTilt (Closed) 260.0
9 tahitisurf FullTilt (Closed) 238.0
10 ketchup64 PokerStars 235.0
11 onehandclapping FullTilt (Closed) 216.0
12 Overcat PokerStars 206.0
13 Opted-Out FullTilt (Closed) 204.0
14 Opted-Out PokerStars 201.0
15 Opted-Out FullTilt (Closed) 194.0
16 30Elijah30 PokerStars 185.0
17 cbt_2001 FullTilt (Closed) 184.0
18 PeteVee FullTilt (Closed) 183.0
19 thetinkerman PokerStars 175.0
20 FlatlanderKB FullTilt (Closed) 174.0